Basicone APK (Basic OneUI) is a free and open source Android homescreen replacement app with a focus on minimalism and usability. It is designed to be used as a daily driver, with a clean and simple UI that is easy to use. Basic OneUI is available for download on the Google Play Store.
Basicone is a launcher with high-quality icons and still growing. The key features of Basicone are: Vector based with high quality icons and still growing, XXXHDPI (256px), Cloud wallpapers, Dynamic calendar support, Icon Request Tool, Frequent updates. The launcher is available for free and there is also a pro version with more features.
Basicone app brings you a collection of the most beautiful icons with a unique design for your Android device. All the icons have been designed from scratch to provide you with a fresh and new experience. The icons are all based on Flat Design principles and will look great on any device. Basicone App also provides you with a wide range of wallpapers to choose from. You can even request for new icons and wallpapers directly from the app. So, what are you waiting for? Give Basicone APK a try today!