Pixel Studio MOD APK allows you to draw pixel products with a variety of tools and an impressive color palette. The application supports multi-layer drawing and helps to export products to different formats, especially MP4.
Pixel Studio offers a series of features that help draw pixelated images with a completely diverse number of colors. Color selection can be made from basic to advance through HSV and RGBA. At the same time, users can draw their work anywhere they want thanks to cross-platform sync, and they can take advantage of multi-layer drawing to create animated products in MP4 or GIFs format.
In the new version of Pixel Studio, you can find new features that support new formats to make them easier to work with. Specifically, they can open and save them quickly, especially in some formats that support cloud storage. PSD files have an additional drawing feature with many different layers and ensure the quality of the image’s content. At the same time, you will also be surprised at how many formats support has been increased and especially when upgrading to the PRO version.
When you use Pixel Studio, you will undoubtedly find an interface with many different tools, and this is completely common when you use a drawing application. You should find an area where you can add any detail and color you desire. Also, this is an application that supports drawing pixelated images, so you will see the squares on the white paper that the application provides. Inevitably, you will go into the essential features the application offers.
The notable feature when using a drawing application like Pixel Studio is the brushes it will provide you. You are free to choose the type of brush you want and start testing it on white paper to understand its properties. At the same time, this testing will take a long time and help users know how to use the number of brushes they receive. Depending on the adjustment, the user can draw different strokes in many cases.
The feature often associated with the brushes in Pixel Studio is the color feature, and the application provides a palette of colors that you can freely search for the right color. It can be a color palette with different light to dark tones to choose freely. At the same time, the application also supports you to download new color palettes depending on how you use them. In addition, professional painters will not be able to ignore the advanced color selection feature.
Besides the primary color palette that the application provides, surely, users will not ignore the color selection features according to HSV and RGBA. For HSV, you will see a code, and of course, in some websites that offer colors, you can paste these codes into the app to get the corresponding color. Picking colors by RGBA will give players parameters and sliders that users can enter and drag however they want.
An interesting point when using the application is that you can freely draw on different platforms, especially when using Android devices and computers. The application synchronizes usage on these two platforms, and of course, creativity will never be limited. Specifically, you can draw at home and bring a tablet to continue your work when you have a new idea. In addition, the application supports strong storage on the Google Drive platform.
One of the features that this application is helpful to users is simply creating pixel videos. Besides the still images you can draw, you can use different layers to create slight differences and repeat these differences to create dynamic effects. From there, you can export your product as MP4, GIFs to be used in many different cases. You can use your product in many different ways and formats.
The application provides many useful features to create fantastic pixel products:
- Users can use a variety of adjustable brushes to paint impressive products and coordinate colors harmoniously through the palette.
- Full-color selection from basic to advanced and color selection by HSV and RGBA are perfect for experienced users.
- Users can draw their products continuously through syncing on computers and Android devices and storing them on Google Drive.
- The number of usable layers is imposing, and this will be the basis for you to create the animation and export it to the corresponding format.
- The new version of the application introduced the formats that it is supporting along with the corresponding features for each file type.